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"Plurisensory 9"


12/06/2010 to 02/19/2011








Pauline PARIS

Manuella PEREIRA


Jean-François RIOUX-COSSON



The teaching and research carried out within the National School of Art of Cergy maintain close links with architectural and environmental questions. To better understand these challenges, the school curriculum favors immersion times in external contexts. The characteristics and the constraints of the place and the spaces are then integrated into the reflection and feed the productions.

As part of the "Arts and Architecture" Research and Creation Workshop, a group of students settled for a week at the Flaine Cultural Center. Responding to the invitation of its director, Gilbert Coquard, accompanied by their teacher, Jean-Michel Brinon, and a guest artist, Victor Grillo, the students questioned the nature / architecture relationship so particular to Flaine.

This year, the higher art school of the Annecy agglomeration was associated with this project, thus allowing students from Annecy and Cergy to exchange and share their views on this environment.

The photographs, paintings, sculptures and installations that are presented plastically bear witness to the different readings generated by the discovery and the work on the site. This exhibition is the fruit of seven days of intense activity punctuated by discussions, travel, production time ...

Back in their workshops in Cergy or Annecy, the attempts and experiments carried out here will feed their project and perhaps constitute the starting point for new avenues of research and reflection.

Sylvain LIZON

Director of the National School of Art of Paris - Cergy / December 2010


Flaine, to gain height


Why go, art and design students, to work in the snow, at altitude, in the mountains, out of the way? Why withdraw from areas of flux and intersection, why move away from urban spaces where artistic and intellectual activity is statistically more intense, more varied, richer - precisely arising from flows and intersections? Why go to Flaine, nestled in such an imposing natural space, to lead an adventure by definition artificial - because making art has always been a device, precisely?

There would be a lot to say about the reasons and the history which allows today this workshop and then the exhibition Plurisensoriel # 9 to exist. It would be necessary to say the inventiveness and the generosity of its initiators - those of the Cultural Center of Flaine and the national higher school of arts of Paris Cergy, certainly, but also those, original, of the founders of the station, who imagined were born in another era, that of Modernity, that nature (the mountain, the ice, the wind, the cold or the sun that chisels the skin) was not to be separated from art and culture (the stories, images, constructed spaces, shapes or ideas that animate the mind). On the contrary, in Flaine, in the post-war era, a place was invented to tie up what Western thought too often untied: the body with the mind, the sensation with the intellect, nature with culture - and finally in Flaine was proposed another hypothesis which even today, spontaneously when one is on site, appears incredibly correct.

This is, I think, reason enough to go to work in the snow, in the mountains, high up, out of the way.

Stéphane Sauzedde

Director of the Annecy urban art school / December 2010


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